I had missed this NYT story from the other day. I’m wondering if this lawsuit comes too late for this election and could be barred by laches. Any indication that these are new concerns so that this ...
This is “old” (last Friday), but important news. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is pulling tricks straight out of Alabama’s playbook in in the mid-1950. He is targeting the associations supporting ...
NYT: It was the spring of 2018 and President Donald J. Trump, faced with an accelerating inquiry into his campaign’s ties to Russia, was furious that the Justice Department was reluctant to strike ...
The Stagnation, Retrogression, and Potential Pro-Voter Transformation of U.S. Election Law, 134 Yale Law Journal (forthcoming 2025), draft available: https://papers ...
The Stagnation, Retrogression, and Potential Pro-Voter Transformation of U.S. Election Law, 134 Yale Law Journal (forthcoming 2025), draft available: https://papers ...