Bon Jovi spotted a woman on the ledge of the pedestrian bridge where his crew was filming in Nashville late Tuesday. The singer and a team member helped her over the railing and back to safety.
What we eat plays a role in the health of our environment. Here are some things to consider when trying to make doable changes to improve your impact without breaking the bank.
A new morality law is full of restrictions. No neckties for men. Photos cannot be reproduced. The harshest rules are for women — who are singing out on social media to protest the ban on singing.
Susan Kahn was in the hospital with terminal cancer, unable to attend her daughter's high school graduation. So the hospital ...
Now that the World Health Organization has endorsed a one-dose vaccine, global health groups are amping up their effort to inoculate the world's girls. How are they doing?
The road to a follow-up album for singer-songwriter Katie Pruitt was a long one. We first met the Georgia-born ...
Alberto Fujimori, whose decade-long presidency began with righting Peru’s economy and defeating a brutal insurgency only to ...
Following the 1989 brutal assault of a New York jogger, the former president took out full-page ads calling for the return of ...
Nearly half of the water drawn from the Colorado River goes to feed for beef and dairy cows. Researchers say modest changes ...
Vice President Harris said the economic costs of climate change are already clear, with homeowners facing skyrocketing ...
Attorneys representing conservative activist Edward Blum and the Atlanta-based Fearless Fund wrote that both parties “have ...
Cameron Lewellen of Georgia headed into Tuesday's debate one of the small but potentially key slice of voters who are ...