Despite their identical composition, molecules that are mirror images can interact differently with light and electrical ...
Kumamoto University's research team, led by Assistant Professor Kazuto Hatakeyama and Professor Shintaro Ida of Institute of ...
A new software package developed by researchers at Macquarie University can accurately model the way waves—sound, water or ...
The pharmaceutical manufacturing industry has long struggled with the issue of monitoring the characteristics of a drying ...
The universe might not be as you think. Until recently, the Lambda Cold Dark Matter model seemed to have a lock on cosmology.
An astrophysicist at the University of Western Ontario finds that the odds of the asteroid 99942 Apophis striking Earth are ...
When diastatic strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or brewer's yeast, land in the wrong place, they can become a craft beer ...
A team of Chinese astronomers has performed photometric observations of a dwarf nova known as Karachurin 12. As a result, ...
As particle accelerator technology moves into the high-luminosity era, the need for extreme precision and unprecedented ...
A US dive team has discovered the wreck of a French steamship, Le Lyonnais, that sank in the Atlantic Ocean in 1856 after a ...
Climate change and asteroids are linked with animal origin and extinction—and plate tectonics also seems to play a key ...
A new study finds that a trilobite species with exceptionally well-preserved fossils from upstate New York has an additional ...